‘A book is a friend- you can never have too many.’
- Gary Paulsen (Author)
Research from the National Literacy Trust indicates that students who use a school library have higher reading scores, are more likely to enjoy reading, and are more motivated to read. In Blessed Trinity College, we recognise that reading is central to progress across all areas of the curriculum and that a love of reading is a life-long gift.
The libraries are the hubs of reading within Blessed Trinity College, maintained by our full-time librarian.The college has well-stocked and current libraries, on both the Somerton and Antrim Road campuses, which operate to provide welcoming and stimulating environments, where students are encouraged to develop an appetite and enthusiasm for reading.
Both libraries offer excellent resources for students to enrich their learning through research and, to this end, offer comprehensive non-fiction and reference sections, and a wealth of cutting-edge I.C.T resources, to support and challenge students from Year 8 to Year 14.
For students in Key Stage 3, the library provides the motivating environment for the Accelerated Reader programme which students participate in weekly as part of their English programme of study.
Throughout the year, the library celebrates and promotes events which encourage students to love reading; to value books; to develop a spirit of enquiry, and to celebrate the wide and rich tapestry of life that can be acquired and through turning the pages of a book.