Religious Education
The Catholic character of Trinity College is founded on the distinctive belief that faith is at the centre of the spiritual, personal and intellectual development of all our pupils.
We consider the faith of our pupils to be inseparable from their lives, and in this respect we view Religious Education as much more than simply a subject on the curriculum. It is a life-long commitment which does not end with the passing of examinations or the entry into an occupation.
Religious Education therefore is given a position of priority within the College and all students study Religious Studies.
Key Stage 3 Students study the Fully Alive and the Religion for Living texts; these resources are supplemented by specially adapted resources to suit the needs of all learners and all abilities.
All Key Stage 4 Students study GCSE RE. Students study Mark’s Gospel and Ethics with CEA. We are very keen to meet the needs of all learners, and so we have introduced a portfolio based GCSE course with OCN.
A-level RE Is extremely popular and we currently have five A-level RE classes; the CEA options offered are Ethics; Luke’s Gospel, the Celtic Church and Old Testament prophecy.
Clearly this challenging and fulfilling subject has proven to be most popular with our sixth formers.
Non-Exam RE Is studied by all Year 13 and 14 students. We have designed this course to meet the needs of post-16 students as young adults in an ever-changing society.
Students are given the opportunity to reflect on their faith and moral issues in a mature and age-appropriate manner.
Faith Development In Trinity College allows students to reflect on the importance of God in their lives. In the course of the year pupils have the opportunity to take part in liturgical services, assemblies, penitential services and to join in the celebration of the Eucharist.
Chaplains meet with the RE Department throughout the year to maintain the link between school and parish. Our students are urged and challenged to become responsible and thoughtful Catholics who will play a full and meaningful role in the future of the Church.
There are numerous opportunities to take part in charitable acts such as fundraising for charities including Trocaire, the St Vincent de Paul Society, local hostels, hamper appeals and the Hospice.
Guest speakers include thought provoking speakers from AA, Belfast Islamic Centre, SPUC, Animal Aid, Love for Life, Trocaire and many more.
We deliver the Faith Friends programme with the help of our post-16 students; they act as peer ministers to younger students in our local primary schools. Our post-16 students also take part in the John Paul II Award; this programme encourages students to play an active role in their parish, school and local community.
Clearly the RE Department provides many opportunities for students, enabling them to realise their full potential. Pupils are challenged and nurtured academically, socially, spiritually and personally.
Our young people can develop in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect where RE teachers deal with issues in a thoughtful and sensitive manner. We hope that our pupils will leave us as well-informed, moral and successful young people who know the love of God in their lives.
We endeavor to ensure that they leave Trinity College with values and skills that will sustain them both now and in their future lives.